Worldview Institute | Spring 2009

The Worldview Institute | Spring 2009 Semester

SEMINAR 1: January 15, 2009

A New Political Agenda

The power factors governing our current critical global situation are explored. Globalization is a two-way street and we must learn to travel on it. Historical analysis and trends are traversed to define the set of elements for a new political agenda.

Guest lecturer: Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, President and CEO, The Ambassador’s Club at the United Nations

SEMINAR 2: January 20, 2009

Restoring the Balance: Prospects of Democracy in the Middle East

Guest lecturer: Isobel Coleman, Senior Fellow for US Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations

SEMINAR 3: January 26, 2009

The Epidemic of Change

The international consequences of transformative events be they natural, political or social, are examined. The changes created are analyzed in a framework of cause and effect. Includes a tour of the United Nations.

Guests lecturer: Ramu Damodaran, Chief, Civil Society Service, Department of Public Information, United Nations

SEMINAR 4: February 3, 2009

Latin America: 2009 Outlook

The external backdrop facing Latin America has become very challenging. The region has accumulated a fair amount of wealth and resilience over the last few years but is not immune to the impact generated by the deceleration of global economic activity and the decline in commodity prices from recent highs. The more challenging external environment will help differentiate countries that pursue sound conventional policies from countries that are pursuing more heterodox experiments.

Guest lecturer: Alberto Ramos, VP, Emerging Markets Economic Research Group, Goldman Sachs & Co.

SEMINAR 5: February 24, 2009


Guest lecturer: Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations

SEMINAR 6: March 3, 2009

Will the Second Great Crash of the Market Cause the Second Great Depression?

Guest lecturer: John Authers, Investment Editor, Financial Times

SEMINAR 7: March 17, 2009

The European Union and Hungary as an Emerging Market

The economy of the EU and a case study in how it is affected by the global financial crisis and plans to improve the situation. The seminar will examine Hungary as an example of an emerging market outlining its strengths and weaknesses and why the financial crisis affects it so deeply.

Guest lecturer: Dr. Maria Findrik, Director, Executive Education and Professor of Economics, Central European University, Budapest

SEMINAR 8: March 31, 2009

Harnessing Cities’ Potential for Sustainable Development

Half of humanity now lives in cities and social vices, health epidemics proliferate. Cities are, however, the engines of national economic growth. Cities Alliance is a global coalition of cities and their development partners working together to scale up successful approaches to urban poverty reduction. This seminar explores the positive impacts of urbanization and what national governments should do to better manage their cities.

Guest lecturer: Dr. Chii Akporji, Communications Officer, Cities Alliance, World Bank

SEMINAR 9: April 7, 2009


Guest lecturer: Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations

SEMINAR 10: April 14, 2009

Arab and Muslim Expectations from the New Obama Administration

This seminar will take a look at the Middle East peace process, Iran, the "war on terror" and supporting democratic reforms in the Middle East. A brief summary will be given on where the Arab public and governments stand on each of these issues and how they expect the new administration to deal with them.

Guest lecturer: Khaled Dawoud, UN Correspondent, Al-Jazeera

April 20, 2009

Graduation Dinner

Keynote Speaker: Hiroshi Murakami, President, Toray Industries America Inc.

Mr. Murakami will speak about Toray Group and its support of environmental sustainability.

Location: The National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York