Become a Member
Express Your Global Citizenship.
Join the United Nations Association of New York.
Drafted in the tone and spirit of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, the United Nations Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflect the American theme that all the world's people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What better way to express one's patriotism than to support our nation's participation in the organization we helped establish in our own image?
Through the work of the United Nations Association of New York, as well as nearly 200 community-based chapters around the country and their 20,000 members, UNA-USA creates a powerful national constituency for a United Nations that advances American interests in a global system. Among the benefits of joining the United Nations Association is the opportunity to connect with the critical issues confronted by the UN — from global health and human rights, to the spread of democracy, equitable sustainable development, and international justice.
Click above to join online (or renew) via UNA-USA’s website. (NOTE: when filling out the online form, choose "NY - New York City" from the scroll-down menu as your local chapter.)
Or you can download a membership application form (PDF) for printing out and mailing in your application. (Note: please put "UNA-NYC" for Chapter)
If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the United Nations Association of New York, click on the button above.
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Membership benefits
[Civil society groups] are indispensable partners in forging peace, pushing for climate action, advancing gender equality, delivering life-saving humanitarian aid and controlling the spread of deadly weapons. And the world’s framework for shared progress, the Sustainable Development Goals, is unthinkable without you.
António Guterres
United Nations Secretary-General
Access to members-only programs, including the Worldview Institute and Summer Scholars Fellowship
Guaranteed seating, and free or reduced admission, for most events which include: film screenings, book talks, and special panel presentations
Career and professional development events
Eligibility to register for UNA-USA’s annual Week of Action, Global Engagement Summit, and Leadership Summit
Meet prominent authors, filmmakers, journalists, and diplomats
Social events such as our Summer Soirée, Winter Soirée, Leadership Luncheons, and Annual Members Meeting
Youth contests
There are several levels of membership available — please select the level that best matches your intent, as well as your means!
$1,000 | Lifetime
$500 | Patron
$100 | Sponsor
$50 | Regular
$25 | Introductory / Fixed Income
FREE | Youth / GenUN (for those under 26)