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Over the course of the summer, I had the opportunity to work alongside the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in their Policy and Strategy Division. I am grateful towards the United Nations Association of New York City (UNA-NYC) for selecting me as one of the recipients of their Summer Scholars Fellowship.

During my time at UNFPA, I contributed towards a core mandate of their Strategic Plan: to leave no one behind and to reach the furthest behind first. This mandate aims to catalyze progress on a variety of different Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 17. By addressing the most deprived population groups first, UNFPA hopes to achieve these SDGs faster while also positively impacting progress in other SDGs.

Within this context, I conducted a qualitative data analysis on the different leave no one behind (LNOB) factors in various different regions. The country offices I focused on were Mexico, Peru, and Kenya, along with the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Office (LACRO). The goal of this research was to determine which population groups are currently left behind, and the work that is being done to address these individuals.

For each country of analysis, I examined reporting and planning documents to identify which key activities each office is implementing to reach those that have been left behind. Additionally, I assisted in collecting and analyzing data on budget allocation towards these key activities. Once the research was complete, I compiled the findings and presented them to different field experts at the UNFPA HQ Office, LACRO, and Kenya’s Country Office.

This experience of working within the Policy and Strategy Division towards UNFPA’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was enlightening and I gained a wealth of knowledge. I am grateful to my manager and mentors at the organization for their ongoing support and enthusiasm for the work being done. I had the privilege of seeing all the planning and strategic decisions that go into advancing towards the various goals that each country aims to accomplish. I am truly grateful for the experience, as I will carry forward the lessons I learned with me throughout my career. Thank you to the UNFPA and to UNA-NYC for this opportunity.

Our Summer Scholars Blog showcases our fellows’ experiences with the UN agencies and non-governmental organizations they worked with this summer. Learn more about our Summer Scholars Fellowship program and this year’s other fellows here.


