Past Events
October 26 | The 2024 UN Day Race
Sptember 30 | The 2024 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
June 11 | Film Talk: 20 Days in Mariupol
June 3 | The Ambassador Series: H.E. Robert Rae
May 23 | An Evening with Josie Cox
March 14 | Our Workspace Free of Harassment: A Global Call To Action (CSW68 Parallel Event)
Feb 21 - Apr 24 | The Worldview Institute : Spring 2024
February 7 | Challenges and Opportunities in Human Rights Reporting: A Focus on Journalism and AI
December 8 | A Conversation with Amnesty International’s Paul O’Brien
November 17 | Film Talk: Goodbye Julia
November 15 | The Ambassador Series: H.E. Mr. Osama M. Abdelkhalek
October 21 | The 2023 UN Day Race
September 29 | The Summer Scholars Panel 2023
August 15 | UNA-NYC Summer Soirée 2023
June 15 | Film Talk - Return Date: Unknown
June 8 | An Evening with Ambassador Fergal Mythen
May 24 | The Ambassador Series: H. E. Elina Kalkku
March 16 | Book Talk: WHERE THE CHILDREN TAKE US by Zain Asher
March 10 | Technology at its Best and Worst Across Disciplines (CSW67 Parallel Event)
March 8 – May 10 | The Worldview Institute : Spring 2023
February 2 | Film Talk: The Swimmers
December 16 | UN Art Tour and Holiday Lunch
December 2 | The Summer Scholars Panel 2022
November 14 | Global Security and Disarmament Agenda at Crossroads: A Fragmented World or a Cohesive Future
November 1 | The 2022 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 29 | The 2022 UN Day Race
October 11 | Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Successful Strategies to End the Practice
July 21 | UNA-NYC Summer Soirée 2022
July 12 | Summer UN Garden Tour and Lunch
June 29 | Book Talk: LESSONS FROM THE EDGE by Marie Yovanovitch
May 19 | Reporting on Russia’s War: A Special Panel with Ukrainian and Russian Journalists
May 16 | Dr. Fatou Bensouda, Former ICC Chief Prosecutor
April 21 | Film Talk: Buddhism, Bhutan and Me
April 7 | Does Economic Warfare Work? The West’s Unprecedented Sanctions Against Russia
March 24 | International Women’s Day 2022 Book Talk with Eliza Reid
March 8 | Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?
February 2 | Book Talk: THERE IS NOTHING FOR YOU HERE by Fiona Hill
February 9 | UNA-NYC Member Series | Careers at the United Nations (Session 4)
February 16 | UNA-NYC Member Series | Careers at the United Nations (Session 3)
February 17 | UNA-NYC Member Series | Careers with the United Nations (Session 2)
January 19 | Book Talk: THE CHANCELLOR by Kati Marton
January 26 | UNA-NYC Member Series | Careers at the United Nations (Session 1)
December 2 | Progress or Procrastination? What We Achieved at COP26
December 15 | Book Talk: ON ALL FRONTS by Clarissa Ward
October 10-24 | 2021 UN Day Run
October 21 | Rebuilding Broken Lives: UNHCR and Local Refugee Assistance
September 23 | The Climate Crisis and the IPCC Report: What Happens Now?
September 14 | The Summer Scholars Panel 2021
July 8 | UNA-NYC Summer Series: A Food-Secure Future for New York City
June 30 | Book Club: OF WOMEN AND SALT by Gabriela Garcia
June 24 | UNA-NYC Summer Series: Reducing Food Waste in New York City
June 17 | UNA-NYC Summer Series: A Chef’s Day of Sustainable Eating
June 10 | UNA-NYC Summer Series: The UN and Food Systems, An Overview
June 3 | From New York to the Globe: UN Resolutions to Address the Illegal Wildlife Trade
May 20 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting and Keynote 2021 with Brad Adams of Human Rights Watch
May 6 | Powerful Game Changers: Empowering Women and Girls
April 29 | Book Club: HADES, ARGENTINA by Daniel Loedel
April 15 | UNA-NYC/CUNY Spring 2021 UN Career Talk
March 11 | Book Talk: ENOUGH ABOUT ME by Richard Lui
February 24 | Sustainable Fashion for All: Examining the Industry Through the Lens of Social Justice
February 18 | Where Health Meets Justice: How Doctors and Lawyers Can Work Together for Human Rights
February 4 | “In Small Places, Close to Home”: Examining Eleanor Roosevelt’s UN Legacy
January 26 | Film Talk: A Thousand Cuts
December 17 | AIDS, COVID, Women, and Children: Global Disparities
December 3 | Film Talk: Faith’s World
November 19 | UNA-NYC Careers: Breaking Into International Development
October 17-31 | 2020 UN Day Run
October 29 | UN75: Reflecting on the Past, Building Our Future
October 21 | Book Club: Call Me American
October 14 | Secrets of the UN (including a Hidden Apartment)
October 1 | Film Talk: The Six Triple Eight
September 23 | How Big Data and Voting Behavior Impact U.S. Environmental Policy-Making
August 27 | Real Life Heroes: The UN's Humanitarian Workers on the Frontlines
August 12 | WHO's Handling the Crisis? The Role of the WHO in Humanitarian Health Action
July 29 | The Virtual UN: Innovation and Remote Diplomacy in the Era of Covid-19
July 21 | Book Talk: Twilight of Democracy
June 23 | COVID-19 and Beyond: Investing in the SDGs
June 17 | Europe’s COVID-19 Guinea Pig: The Italian Perspective on the Pandemic
June 3 | Investing in Languages: Why Multilingualism Matters
May 27 | Global Healthcare Delivery: The Impact of Covid-19 and Lessons Learned from the U.S. Epicenter
May 20 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting and Keynote 2020 with National Geographic Explorer Agustina Besada
May 11 | Healthy People and Planet: Why Sustaining All Life Matters in a Post-Covid World
May 7 | Film Talk: Against the Current
April 28 | Film Talk: Victors
April 23 | Modern Slavery: The Hidden Victims of the Coronavirus
April 16 | Zoonotic Pandemics: How to Prevent Them in the Future
March 3 | The Ambassador Series — Afghanistan: The Woman's Voice
February 13 | Film Talk: Made in Bangladesh
November 20 | Film Talk: I Could Tell ‘Bout My Life
November 6 | The Ambassador Series — The Greek Perspective
October 29 | The Summer Scholars Panel 2019
October 16 | Film Talk: Dawnland
October 3 | 2019 UN Day Gala Dinner
September 12 | A Special Panel on Climate Migration: Where Can They Go?
August 15 | Film Talk: Love Sonia
August 8 | LGBTI Human Rights Consultation panel: A Special UPR Panel
July 29 | UNA-NYC 2019 Summer Evening Soirée
June 12 | Film Talk: Out of Aleppo
June 6 | Book Talk: The Perfect Weapon by David Sanger
May 20 | The Ambassador Series: Commemorating the Rwandan Genocide with Amb. Valentine Rugwabiza
April 11 | UNA-NYC Careers: Working for the UN — A World of Opportunities
March 19 | CSW63 Parallel Event: Where Do We Go From Here? Pathways to Empowering Immigrant Women and Girls
March 14 | Film Talk: Walk on My Own
March 5 | UNA-NYC Education: STEM Education Now — A Special Half-Day Conference
January 15 | Book Talk: A Private War
December 10 | Lives in the Balance: Eviscerating Asylum Protection for Victims of Gender Violence
December 6 | Film Talk: On Her Shoulders
October 26 | Human Rights, Close to Home: Alternatives for Protecting Immigrants
October 24 | The Ambassador Series: Brexit Conundrum
October 2 | The 2018 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 14 | Film Talk: RBG
September 13 | 2018 Summer Scholars Panel
July 27 | The 2018 Summer Soirée
May 29 | The Ambassador Series: The German Perspective
May 23 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2018
April 26 | Book Talk: EDGE OF CHAOS Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth and How to Fix It
March 21 | CSW62 Panel: America's Maternal Death Rate: What's Behind it and How to Prevent It
March 12 | International Women’s Day: 28 / 28 The Lasting Effects of the Berlin Wall on Women in Germany
February 9 | Film Talk: The Insult
February 8 | Human Trafficking: Stories from the Field
January 17 | The Ambassador Series: The Korean Situation
December 5 | Book Talk: THE INTERNATIONALISTS How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World
November 16 | Book Talk: A WORLDLY AFFAIR New York, the United Nations, and the Story Behind Their Unlikely Bond
November 3 | The 2017 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 28 | Book Talk: NOTES ON A FOREIGN COUNTRY An American Abroad in a Post-American World
September 20 | 2017 Summer Scholars Panel
August 9 | The 2017 Summer Soirée
June 14 | The Ambassador Series: What Role for the United Nations in a New Multipolar World?
May 25 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2017
May 16 | Film Talk: Syria's Disappeared
April 25 | Careers at the United Nations: A World of Opportunities
March 9 | NYC and the United Nations: A Partnership Beyond Brick & Mortar
January 13 | Film Talk: The Uncondemned
December 5 | The Perfect Storm: Closing Space for LGBT Civil Society in Kenya, Indonesia, Hungary and Kyrgyzstan
October 26 | The 2016 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 19 | The Ambassador Series: The Future of International Cooperation on Migration
September 19 | Ending Global Child Marriage
July 22 | Film Talk: The Crossing
July 15 | The 2016 Summer Soirée
May 26 | Consular Evening: SWITZERLAND with André Schaller
May 20 | Film Talk: Remember Us: The Hungarian Hidden Children
May 4 | Book Talk: THE MORNING THEY CAME FOR US Dispatches from Syria
April 21 | A Conversation with UN SG Nominee Irina Bokova
April 14 | A Conversation with UN SG Nominee Natalia Gherman
March 18 | UNA-NYC Leadership Luncheon: Gender Gaps and Womens Empowerment
March 11 | Film Talk: Mustang
February 25 | The 2016 Winter Soirée
February 23 | The Ambassador Series: A New Chapter in U.S.–Cuban Relations
February 11 | Book Talk: OUTPATIENTS The Astonishing New World of Medical Tourism
February 10 | UNA-NYC Leadership Luncheon: JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ
January 13 | UNA-NYC Careers: Working as a Foreign Correspondent
November 19 | The Ambassador Series: Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate: Illegal Trade in Wildlife
November 5 | The Great European Migration Challenge: Legalizing and Regulating Mobility
October 30 | Film Talk: The Trials of Spring
October 22 | The 2015 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 7 | Book Talk: THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE 21st CENTURY Grappling with the World's Most Challenging Issues
September 18 | Film Talk: The Good Lie
July 23 | The 2015 Summer Soirée
July 13 | Book Talk: THE SHARED SOCIETY A Vision for the Global Future of Latin America
June 8 | UNA-NYC Leadership Luncheon: A Path Appears- Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity
May 21 | Film Talk: Poet Against Prejudice
May 13 | The Ambassador Series: Southeast Asia in the International Arena
May 6 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2015
April 22 | Consular Evening: IRELAND with Barbara Jones
April 7 | UNA-NYC Careers: What's it Really Like to Work for a Non-Profit
February 6 | Film Talk: Timbuktu
December 12 | Film Talk: 21st Century Organized Crime - Organ Trafficking and Human Rights
December 11 | Consular Evening: AUSTRIA with Georg Heindl
December 8 | UNA-NYC Leadership Luncheon: Reporting in the Age of Kidnapping
October 29 | The 2014 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 1 | The Ambassador Series: An Evening with Ambassador Mary Elizabeth Flores Flake
September 4 | Consular Evening: CHINA with Sun Guoxiang
August 21 | Film Talk: Horses of God
August 15 | The 2014 Summer Soirée
July 9 | Iraq: A New Fiasco?
June 18 | Film Talk: Home Is Where You Find It
May 14 | UNA-NYC Careers: The Global Health Field
May 9 | Film Talk: Seeds of Time
April 30 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2014
April 21 | The Ambassador Series: Iran-U.S. Relations-Challenges and Opportunities
March 27 | Japan's New National Security Strategy and Its Impacts on Regional Stability
March 3 | Playtime in Africa: Meeting the MDGs through Child-Centered Urban Spaces
February 27 | Syrian Accountability: The Question of Social Media and Atrocity Prevention
January 31 | Film Talk: A People Uncounted
January 14 | The Ambassador Series: An Evening with Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo
November 7 | UNA-NYC Careers: Working With UNICEF
October 23 | The 2013 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 23 | Book Talk: On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines
August 1 | Film Talk: Displaced But Not Defeated
July 23 | The 2013 Summer Soirée
June 17 | United Nations Association of New York at the 2013 Human Rights Watch Film Festival
June 10 | Worldview Institute Alumni Reunion + Networking Reception
May 20 | The Remembrance Project : DARFUR
May 14 | Book Talk: HAMMARSKJÖLD : A Life
April 3 | Book Talk: ESCAPE FROM CAMP 14
March 14 | The Ambassador Series: Pakistan and the United Nations
March 6 | Book Talk: SHAHNAMEH The Epic of the Persian Kings
March 1 | Film Talk: War Witch
February 1 | Film Talk: Portrait of Wally
January 14 | The Ambassador Series: Forging Consensus: US-Asia Policy in the Next Administration
December 12 | The IMPACT LEADERSHIP 21 Summit: Transforming Women's Leadership in a Hyper-Connected World
December 3 | UNA-NYC Careers: Working for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
November 29 | Book Talk: IN THE SHADOW OF THE BANYAN
October 25 | The 2012 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 1 | Book Talk: ROCK THE CASBAH Rage and Rebellion across the Islamic World
September 22 | Film Talk: PAD YATRA A Green Odyssey
July 24 | The 2012 Summer Soirée
July 13 | Film Talk: Under Fire - Journalists in Combat
June 15 | Film Talk: Fire in Our Hearts
June 5 | Is China Really Taking Off?
May 31 | Consular Evening: Republic of Cyprus
May 16 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2012
April 26 | UNA-NYC Careers: An Insider's Guide to Getting a Job at the UN
March 28 | The Ambassador Series: A Modern Evolution-The Role of the European Union in Global Affairs
March 12 | Film Talk: Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?
March 9 | Film Talk: The Lady
February 23 | Consular Evening: Canada - Friends, Neighbors, Allies
February 9 | Book Talk: THE FEAR Robert Mugabe and the Martyrdom of Zimbabwe
January 24 | The Ambassador Series: TURKEY
January 17 | Film Talk: Granito - How to Nail a Dictator
December 1 | Book Talk: THE UNRAVELING Pakistan in the Age of Jihad
October 13 | The 2011 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 28 | Book Talk: GETTING BETTER Why Global Development is Succeeding and How We Can Improve the World Even More
September 20 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2011
September 14 | The Ambassador Series: Brazil at the United Nations
September 9 | Film Talk: Budrus
August 4 | The WDLS Diversity Summit Cocktail Reception and Networking Evening
July 29 | Film Talk: Climate Refugees
June 27 | United Nations Association of New York at the 2011 Human Rights Watch Film Festival
June 7 | UN World Environment Day: Indonesia's Global Climate Change Partnerships
May 26 | Changing Paradigms: Foreign News Coverage and the New Media
May 11 | UNA-NYC Leadership Luncheon: Making a Difference: Women Who Care
April 18 | Book Talk: THE GOLDEN CAGE Three Brothers, Three Choices, One Destiny
April 5 | UNA-NYC Careers: Foreign Affairs Reporting Today
March 15 | Film Talk: Waste Land
March 10 | Book Talk: How The West Was Lost
March 2 | How Did Egypt's Revolt Succeed?
February 18 | Film Talk: Have You Heard From Johannesburg
February 17 | The Ambassador Series: Global Governance: The G20, The UN and The 3G
February 1 | The Evolving Role of the European Union at the United Nations
January 7 | Film Talk: BHUTTO
November 30 | Book Talk: The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam
November 22 | UNA-NYC Careers: Opportunities for Young Talent at The World Bank
November 18 | The Current State of UN Peacekeeping Missions and Reform
October 21 | The 2010 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 30 | Film Talk: Countdown to Zero
September 27 | Book Talk: Strength in What Remains
July 30 | Film Talk: Sergio
June 10 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations
June 7 | Film Talk: My Country is Tibet
May 25 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2010
April 29 | UNA-NYC Careers: Career Paths at Not-For-Profits and Foundations
April 9 | Film Talk: Holly
March 8 | UNA-NYC Panel: Somaly Mam
February 17 | Revolutionary Iran? Making Sense of the Green Movement
January 26 | Film Talk: As Seen Through These Eyes
December 3 | Film Talk: Afghan Star
November 19 | UNA-NYC Careers: Working for the State Department
November 12 | Iraq - Where We Are and Where We're Going
October 22 | The 2009 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 17 | The Real War in Mexico: How Democracy Can Defeat the Drug Cartels
August 5 | Film Talk: THE RECKONING The Epic Story of the Battle for the International Criminal Court
June 25 | Film Talk: The End of Poverty?
June 2 | The Changing U.N. Landscape
May 28 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations
May 7 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2009
April 21 | Film Talk: FLOW For Love of Water
April 2 | UNA-NYC Careers: A World of Opportunities
March 19 | Steps Toward Gender Equality: The Upcoming Women's World Conference
March 4 | Film Talk: Pray the Devil Back to Hell
February 19 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN
February 10 | Book Talk: The Petrostate: Putin, Power and the New Russia
January 29 | Film Talk: Fateless
December 3 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Chile to the UN
October 29 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Egypt to the UN
October 23 | The 2008 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 18 | The Payoff from Women’s Rights: Women’s Empowerment and Development
June 12 | Building Peace in the Minds of Men: The mission of the UNESCO
May 15 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2008
April 17 | Protecting the Nation in the Information Age
April 9 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of the United States to the UN
March 20 | Human Rights in Venezuela: From Concern to Crisis
February 21 | The Six O'Clock News, Intelligence, National Security and You
January 24 | Turmoil in Pakistan: A Report From the Field
November 15 | India: Things Done and Left Undone
October 25 | The 2007 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
September 25 | 21ST CENTURY SLAVERY A Human Rights Approach to Human Trafficking: the Question of Responsibility
June 11 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of the Israel to the UN
May 16 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2007
May 3 | Between Memory and History: A Wayward Historian Remembers the Cuban Revolution
April 27 | Traditional Dances from Malaysia
April 11 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN
April 5 | Iran: What Next?
February 22 | Book Talk: The Best Intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the Era of American World Power
January 25 | An Advance Look at the United Nations Headquarters: The Capital Master Plan
January 18 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN
December 14 | The Ambassador Series: Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN
October 26 | The 2006 United Nations Day Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner
October 19 | Global Leadership Skills of the 21st Century
September 28 | Why The U.N. Should Stop Worrying About the U.S.
May 25 | UNA-NYC Annual Meeting 2006
May 6 | The UN: Will It Survive the New Century?
April 20 | The Challenge of Avian Flu Strategies for an Impending Pandemic
March 16 | 34 Million Friends
March 1 | Strengthening the Role of the UN in Development
February 16 | Global Engagement In Rule of Law and Capacity-Building
January 16 | Addressing the Emergency Needs of Schools in Namibia